Photographer and performer. Holds an MA in Photography and Painting from University of Zielona Góra, and an MA in Cultural Studies from University of Wrocław. She taught at the AFA College of Photography, Wrocław, before moving to London to complete a post-graduate studies in Dance Performance at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. For the next six years she performed in Paris, working with choreographers Andy de Groat, Sarah Crépin, Salia Sanou, among others. Her work in both photography and dance strives toward revealing inner dimensions of human experience, acknowledging the paradox in making ethereal occurrences perceptible and physical. Her photographs have been published in The New Yorker, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, Rita Baum, Format, and Charaktery, among others, and can be found in private collections in Europe, Canada and the United States. She currently lives and works in New York.
2014 DUMBO Arts Festival, Brooklyn, NY, USA
2009 Nyen-lu, Stara Galeria ZPAF, Warsaw, Poland
2007 Wiesbadener fototage, Stadtmuzeum, Wiesbaden, Germany
2007 Inspirations-Fascinations-Reflections, The City Museum, Wroclaw, Poland
2006 Sumina mati, Culture Center, Klodzko, Poland
2005 Kaililani, Imago Gallery, Zywiec, Poland
2004 Körper ohne Grenzen, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, Dresden, Germany
2004 Elenai, Za Szafa Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland
2003 Banal reality - magic reality, BWA Awangarda Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland
2003 Wiesbadener fototage, Galerie Lichtbild, Wiesbaden, Germany
2003 Fotografinen aus Polen, Galerie am Prater, Berlin, Germany
2003 A Touch of Reality, The Prague House of Photography, Prague, Czech Republic
2003 A Touch of Reality, U Jezuitow Gallery, Poznan, Poland